What do these energetic clearings bring about?
When we have an issue, a negative belief or carry other old imprints and burden there is an attachment we have to it. So whatever does not feel good, has a charge for us. With the help of clearings we can resolve that charge, that which creates and binds us to the "issue" in the first place. And without that there is a neutrality coming in, a spaciousness, we broaden our perspectives and feel free for bringing in new possibilies.
What are clearings?
Clearings are energetical purging processes where we cleanse the energetic field, which then realigns itself. They offer a wonderful, deep and effective way to complement our healing journey.
Feeling unwell or stuck in any area of life reflects what is going on within us. On an energetic level it is possible to resolve the underlying reasons and causes of these discrepancies by clearing the charge we have to them.
How many sessions do I need?
Everyone is quite unique and different and so is the individual situation. In addition to that our soul decides what we are ready to let go of. So there is no one answer to this. Some challenges require more processes and have various layers to them, others can be resolved or bring about change quickly. But what I've noticed with both myself and others is that if we want help with something, and really chose to change that, whatever that looks like, we will get the help we need to make that happen.
How would I know that this work is helping me?
You feel it. So maybe a few days after a session you notice that your perspective on something has shifted and the heavyness around it is gone. You feel lighter, more aligned, and recognize new possibilities. You might simply feel better within, and perceive a vastness where there used to be constriction.
Just be aware of changes and shifts of any kind and observe yourself. You will feel and know whether this kind of work is for you. There are so many different modalities and ways of energy healing. So trust whatever feels good and right for you.
What happens after a clearing session?
After a session there will be an integration period, which can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks or longer. Whatever that is for sure take good care of yourself, especially in the first view days after. Try to not engage too much in upcoming thoughts and feelings, just be aware of it and let the healing process do it's thing. And most importantly be kind to yourself!
If you have any further questions contact me!